Joy in the Midst of It All (TM)
Joy in the Midst of It All (TM)
Welcome to Joy in the Midst of It All(TM)
Aminah Amarachi - Daughter, Sister, Teacher, Interpreter, Minister, Elder Caregiver, and Student of all things Family and Wholistic Living.
This podcast is being created as a way to both reflect on my own journey as both an elder caregiver (for Our Dad), and a daughter of one parent (Our Dad) that served as the caregiver of his own beloved (Our Mom), and to offer other family caregivers some of my own insights, lessons, realizations, and blessings gained during my journey, as I learned to embrace both the joy and the junctures of family caregiving.
My prayer is that by sharing my journey with you, that you gains some nuggets, tools and resources that might lesson your own internal and external loads by learning not only how to celebrate those joy filled times, yet also navigate, embrace, and honor those hidden moments of joy within our caregiving junctures, as well as how to take care of your self, first and foremost, along the way.
My intention is to publish a episode each 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, which are not much longer than about 20 minutes, with the exception of when a guest joins me on the show. Why? Because caregivers spend so much time already juggling both theirs and the one they care for schedules, I want to allow them the time and space to tune in, take note, and enjoy each episode, so that they leave feeling refreshed and empowered to continue forward along whichever path their caregiving journey leads them.
Remember, there is always a place, along our caregiving journey, to embrace, champion, and celebrate both the junctures and the joys, while taking the best care that you can, in any given moment, of both yourself, and your loved on.
Thanks for taking time out of your journey to tune in to this podcast. I look forward to you joining me on this “Joy In the Midst of It All,” podcast journey. I look forward to this podcast being a space and a place for caregivers to be acknowledged for giving their best in the midst of it all.
I'm your host, AMINAH. And, I want you to remember to...
Be Blessed, And Less Stressed...Why?
Because both yours and their lives depend on it. Have a great day.
Outro Music:
Buy Me a Cup of Coffee (Tea) for a J.O.E. (Jolt of Encouragement and Support)
2021-2022 © JITMOIA Podcast by All Paths Lead Home, LLC/SLE (TM) – All Rights Reserved