Joy in the Midst of It All (TM)
Joy in the Midst of It All (TM)
The Call: Almost Priceless
In today's episode, we begin with what lead to my caregiver journey - "The Call."
A season I won't soon forget began just from that one simple act.
Tune is to hear the "shortened" version of how it all started. Along with some of my on reflections, insights, tips, tools, and tosses, on this Joy in the Midst of It All caregiver's journey.
Be blessed. Not stressed. Why?
Because yours and their lives depend on it.
Aminah - Your Host
Buy Me a Cup of Coffee (Tea) for a J.O.E. (Jolt of Encouragement and Support)
2021-2022 © JITMOIA Podcast by All Paths Lead Home, LLC/SLE (TM) – All Rights Reserved
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Hey Family, and welcome back to our show, Joy in the Midst of It All.
Have you ever received a phone call that in a moment's notice shifted the trajectory of your current life's plan. Well, I have, and the name my sister and I gave it was “The Call...Almost Priceless.”
In life we focus on accolades and trinkets, sometimes way more than we focus on our health and well being. Well being a full time caregiver to a loved one has a way of nudging your, or 2 x 4-ing, towards the direction of your best health.
I am your host, Aminah, and in this is my first episode, in my first season, I will share with you my experience, insights, tips, tools and tosses that I wish were available to me at THAT time, on THAT day when I received “The Call.” Let's begin our journey.
The Dates: August 3 thru 7, 2007. The Time, 2AM. The Scene: My sister and I were sound asleep. I don't even recall whether I was scheduled to work the next day or not. All I know is THAT call...you know, the one from OUR Mama brought our ZZZs to a screeching halt. Her exact statement, “GET HERE NOW, SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOUR DAD!” My question, while still easing the sleep out of my eyes and mind, “What's wrong with Dede?” Yes, I used that southern term of endearment, Dede...Mama's frantic response, “He is forgetting things!” “GET HERE, NOW!"
Well...now...we jumped up, threw on some clothes, threw some more into our suitcases and made the almost 12 hour drive home. Yes, in the wee morning hours of that soon come day. We arrived to find Dad chillin in his usual spot, the living room front window (his version of the front porch in the country...haha...like his Dede), and Mama frantically telling us all the things that led her to call us at 2' o'clock in the morning.
The next day, we sprang into action. Making and taking Dad to a doctor's appointment, for which he had just started back going to the doctors, you know actually seeing a doctor for the first time since...well...let's just say it's a been over 25 plus years...or more...While our Mom had my sister run her all around town trying to shore up all things that might be impacted by Dad's NOW surrendering memory.
Meanwhile, Dad was just enjoying the visit home with his daughters. After we left his doctor's office, he and I, which confirmed that he had begun his Alzheimer's journey, we headed over to the post office to drop some things in the mail.
It wasn't until he was sitting in the car, talking to my other sister, while I went into the post office, that her response to him mentioning that “WE were in town” (oh by the way, we hadn't called to tell her we were there yet, as we were running around trying to get everything done), jump started his memory. As I am getting back into the car, I hear my sister ask Dad, “What do you mean my sisters are in town? (She was away at college). He replied, “Yes, your sisters came to town...and...then there was a long pause,...wait for it...Dad turns to me and says, “Your Mama thinks something is wrong with me. Ain't nothing wrong with me. I'm a a military man.” “Ain't nothing wrong with me.”
This still makes me laugh every time I recall his light bulb moment (that it had been an unplanned and unannounced visit, at least not to him). Now, keep in mind that we also had just received the initial diagnosis that he was indeed beginning on his journey through Alzheimer's. And, thus decisions had to be made. We had to keep our eyes on things. I would begin preparing to move home to care for both parents, as Mom also had a healthcare journey. Well, it was time for us to get ready to head back to our home away from home.
Long story, short...yes, long weekend, not...well...let's just say that after 4 days of what we affectionately call “The Call”...ended with a twelve hour return trip that included sleeping in shifts, as the other sister drove, so that we would be refreshed for work the next day, and a bonus gift of a speeding ticket...yeah, I got it...which til this day...we subtitle that weekend as...”Almost Priceless...”
And, now for our first of two spotlight moments, in which I give a thanks and/or shout out to a family [caregiver], business, or organization that supported our family as we navigated the caregiving journey, or who have blessed me on my new journey of hosting a podcasting show. So stay tuned for more right after this message. I will be right back with my insight and reflections from “The Call...Almost Priceless.” I'm your host, Aminah.
So, stay tune after this message. I will be right back with my insights and reflections from “The Call...Almost Priceless.” I'm your host, Aminah.
Harry's Digital/Photography
If you would like to start a family tradition that will carry you from birth through school, to marriage and beyond, or you just need a great set of digital photos for your business endeavors, please head on over to Harry's Digital, traditionally known as Harry's Photography, located in the Greenbriar Discount Mall, at 2975 Headland Drive, Atlanta, GA 30331. It's old school community family photography, gone digital. Call Mr. Harry at (404) 983-1383. Now, back to our show.
My Reflections & Insights:
Welcome Back
Now after returning home, you know home away from home, and marinating on what had just transpired, and considering all that would need to be done in order to pick and move my entire life back home, I realized that (a) our health is one of THE most precious thing we have been gifted, (b) each day, and with every choice we make, we either honor or disregard that precious gift of health, and (c) when we fail to hold our health – which is our self care - in the highest regard, and act accordingly it can end up costing us the other most precious gift we have been given...you know...time.
Without our health, our time may be shortened, and that journey may not be as pleasant as we might have desired. It is in those moments, and prayerfully not to late, that one realizes that in the end all of the accolades and the material belongings in the world won't be worth the priority you placed upon them, over that of your health. And, the spiritual, mental, emotional, physical domino effect – it's gonna it's gonna be initiated by our not choosing to prioritize our health, leaves a devastation in it's wake that at times ripples forward for generations to come.
My take away. Laughter is the best medicine. My “toss,” became prioritizing my health and well-being (i. e. my own self-care) and being always prepared, like the ants, because you never know when your may receive, “THE CALL,” and have to pivot away from your current life's plan into as season of being your loved one's full-time caregiver, or need to be cared for yourself, so plan well, live well, in advance.
And, now for our next “spotlight.”
Spotlight #2: HelloHery
Family, I like to draw, yet when it comes to digital work, {you know } creating my artwork in a digital form, I turn to Fiverr. I was blessed recently by a Fiverr digital artist named HelloHery (spelled H.E.R.Y.), who took both my photo, from Harry's Digital and the sketch for my podcast cover art, and digitized it beautifully for me in less that 24 hours at a very affordable price. Hery (H.E.R.Y.) was committed to excellence, very professional and work seamlessly with me until the desired final product was achieved. So, if you are looking for someone to digitize your designs, head on over to Fiverr and reach out to HelloHery (H.E.R.Y.). The link will be in the show notes.
Tips , Tools, and Tosses:
Now family, what are some tips and tools that I wished I had had when I was walking that first moment of realization that the journey of caregiving was to begin with my Father? Well...
- My FIRST tip: “Be ye ever prepared.”
- A Tool that I wished I would have had - Some way to organize our lives, because now I was working both my affairs and his affairs.
- My new toss, after THAT weekend, was to up my game on my own health.
This is your host, Aminah, and I would like to thank you for taking time to join me on today's Joy in the Midst of It All podcast journey. My Mama taught me to always keep my thinking cap on, learn something new each day, and share with others what I've learned, so that [we'd] all have an opportunity to get better. And, I add, live a much more easy, effortless, and grace-filled life, so take a moment to tap the button, on your favorite podcast streaming platform, to tune in and follow the show. We release an episode every second and fourth Thursday of the month, Okay?
Also, go ahead and tag a family caregiver, and tell them one thing you learned today, that will support you, and maybe them in moving through your own caregiver journey more at ease, and then blaze on over, a trail, to my podcast site, for the show notes and links, and if your heart so leads you, tip me a cup of ©J.O.E. (Jolt of Encouragement) [& support], over on Buy Me A Cup of Coffee, but I prefer tea.
I'm your host, AMINAH. And, I want you to remember to...
Be Blessed, And Less Stressed...Why?
Because both yours and their lives depend on it.
Buy Me a Cup of Coffee (Tea) for a J.O.E. (Jolt of Encouragement and Support)
2021-2022 © JITMOIA Podcast by All Paths Lead Home, LLC/SLE (TM) – All Rights Reserved